Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football aka Soccer

One interesting thing i have noticed about other cultures out of all the countries i have been too is this, they will always be better than you at soccer! Why is this? I think it is because for so many of these nations its their form of exscape from the menial mundane boring task of life, that we all dread having to do, similar to our entertainment industry in America. This brings to light two problems that I see.
  1. We are not participating in physical activities, minus the "Remote Thumb Olympics",

This sadly enough is deteriorating out health, because if we do not get enough physical activity we will atrophy and eventually wilt and die. Morbid possibly, but true none the less God gave us a body and told us to take care of it (1Corinthians 6:19-20) because it is his temple for those of us Christians. Christ lives in us so we ought to honor him with our bodies,as well as our actions, and take care of them. Exercise is a great way to maintain our health, and believe me you get plenty of it playing soccer.

2. The lack of being able to play soccer makes me and everyone else look like an idiot when they/I try and play.

Granted this may sound selfish, but I'm not gonna say its always a problem, because ultimately its the fact that we are there playing with them that they care about not how good we are. The problem with this is its very hard for one such as myself to step out and do something i know I'm not good at knowing they are laughing at me and wondering what they are saying in their native tong. Somehow i have discovered this creates a major roadblock for many not just me. Even if we cant understand what they are saying we all have pride that screams I don't wan't people to discover I'm not good at something, rather I want them to look up to me in everything they do.

The last point I would like to make about American culture versus everyone elses in regards to soccer is this. Why do we in America insist on calling it soccer when every other part of the world calls it football? I will leave this for you to answer for yourself.

Next time your walking down the street and you come across some kids with a soccer ball join them and remember this is the sport that many kids around the world play every day as their only form of entertainment, because they don't even know what a T.V. is they live in such a remote or poor place. So ask yourself this is it any wonder were bad at soccer when the way we learned was watching a movie about a dog that could play named Airbud?

1Corinthians 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

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