Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lessons Learned in Quarentine

What do you imagine when you hear the words mission trip? For me i think leaving behind many of the comforts of home, embracing a new culture, weird new foods to try, getting dirty and Sharing the love of Jesus with the world. All such things are a part of many trips but what about Quarantine?

This summer while in the wonderful city of Phnom Pehn, Cambodia I learned what its like to be Quarantined first hand. It was a hot afternoon and we were having team time before going to the Center of Peace (COP) to do a VBS for the Kids. We were going to teach them some English, a Bible story, and play games with them. One of our team members was not feeling well that day so she stayed behind and rested while we went out to the COP. Before leaving we prayed for her and hoped she would feel well soon as this was out first day of Ministry rather than training since we arrived. We arrived at COP and began playing with the kids who were more than enthusiastic about our arrival and enjoying every minute of our attention. Eventually we split the kids up by age and headed to separate rooms to do VBS. The kids loved every moment of this as well though some of the translators were not all there so we had to overcome the language barrier that prevented understanding of what we were saying, which was a challenge but it got easier as time went on. After finishing our VBS lessons and crafts we were back to playing again until the time for us to leave came and we said our goodbyes to the kids we had all grown to love in just a mater of seconds and only grew stronger with each passing minute.

Upon arriving back at the base we received news that our teammate had been taken to the hospital and was being tested for swine flu. This news was a shot below the belt for us from none other than the Devil himself. We instantly got together and began to pray for her and hoped for the best. The day carried on on and we did various things from eating to cleaning and finally free time came. during free time many of us had decided to walk to a nearby Internet cafe and call home upon finishing with that we walked over to a nearby store and found all kinds of food goodies to buy from ice cream to drinks to crackers and fruit. We had a lil party and celebrated a good first official day of ministry. By the time we had finished eating everything it was time to get to bed for the early wake up the next morning.

The daylight of morning came faster than I had hoped and it was time to wake up and get ready for another day of ministry we had breakfast and went from there into our Quiet times in which i prayed for our team and for the health of the one missing as well as the ministry time at COP. When Quiet time was over we went to the team meeting to review the plan for the day and then head out from there for ministry. During the meeting we received some sad news our team mate had tested positive for swine flu and was being held at the hospital for observation. This was devastating news to hear but we all knew we had to keep our focus on what we were here to do and that was to show Cambodia Jesus so we prayed again for her and continued to pray often for her thought the day as we repeated the same plan as the day before at COP, with a diffrent lesson. Upon arriving back at base we had some more team time and then dinner. It was during dinner that another teammate began feeling ill and they took him to the hospital as well.

By the next morning we had all awoken to seven less teammates than we began with. They were all at the hospital being tested and examined for the swine flu as well. We got the news during breakfast that we were not going to the COP as a precaution to protect the children from getting sick and spent the day in prayer and confusion over what had happened. Many of us had no idea what was going on since this had changed all our plans so we spent the time praying, praying, and praying some more until we heard more news.

The first news came in the form of packing orders the next day for some of the guys in the room across the hall from ours. They were being moved to a room previously occupied by girls who also moved into other rooms. so we could free up a room to bring our teammates back too because they were released to the base but had to be kept in a room together separate from us so as to avoid spreading the flu around. It was at this time that we learned of the seven who got tested for the swine flu only four of them were tested positive. This brought the first bit of hope to our ears since receiving word that the first teammate had gotten it. They also informed us at this time that our group had the first four confirmed cases of swine flu in Cambodia and that they had not required quarantine but asked us to please remain in the building we were in and to prevent the chance of spreading it more than it had spread already among us. This request was one we reluctantly followed as we all were anxious to get out and continue ministering but out of respect for the nation and the government we followed.

The next week felt like a year as we counted the days till we could finally return to the children who had by this point felt like our own. During this time we made pinatas, a giant chutes and ladders game, enjoyed a fashion show in which we all competed, had a talent show and coffee night, as well as took naps, and continued praying, bonding, and growing in our faith. This experience was an amazing time of growth spiritually because we were literally trapped in a house with nothing more than bibles, a guitar and each other. We had sessions ranging from water purification systems being used as a tool for missions, to homiletics, and effective prayer. The time spent within that quarantine was enough to give us all an even greater passion for why we were there and time to reflect on what we had already seen of this nation. God taught us all so much during this time that by the time it was over we all counted quarantine a blessing and no longer something that held us back but a chance to grow and learn. The time spent in quarantine was easily one of the most spiritually close to God feelings I have ever had and I believe it to be nothing Short of a blessing.

During this time i received a note from the first girl to get swine flu that has be an encouragement ever since and I have read it many times when feeling down and without fail it has always encouraged me.

"Hey Man,

I hope that you are doing well! I just want to encourage you to continue being a leader by letting God's joy overflow out of you, Even while we are stuck in one place. I am so glad that were friends, teammates, and most of all not sick-mates. Stay healthy keep loving Jesus and drawing near to him. May he bless you and keep you and may you be filled with strength :)

These things i have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full
[John 15:11]"

The Lessons Learned In Quarantine were many and life changing and remind me always that what the devil meant for the bad the Lord used for the good.

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